Composition: Each 1 g contains:
Sulphamethazine sodium ………………....… 1000 mg
Target species: Poultry (chicken & turkey), calves and lambs.
Read information leaflet before use.
Indications :
Sulfamethadad 100% is antibacterial substance. used for the treatment of the bacterial and coccidial infestation cause by microorganism sensitive to sulfamethazine.
Infectious Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum)
Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix)
Acute Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocida)
Pullorum Disease (Salmonella Pullorum)
Turkeys Coccidiosis (Eimeria meleagrimitis, Eimeria adenoeides)
Cattle (calves)
Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex)(Pasteurella spp.)
Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli)
Necrotic Pododermatitis (Foot Rot) (Fusobacterium necrophorum)
Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum)
Sheep (lambs)
Bacterial enteritis: (Escherichia coli)
Bacterial respiratory infection Pasteurella haemolytica or Pasteurella multocida.
• Contra indicated in cases of renal failure.
• Do not use in case of known hypersensitivity to the active substance.
• Do not use in layers producing table egg.
Dosage and administration route
Infectious Coryza: 128 mg –187 mg sulfamethazine per kg.b.w. in drinking water for 2 days. Pullorum Disease, Acute Fowl Cholera in poultry: 128 mg –187 mg sulfamethazine per kg.b.w. in drinking water for 6 days. Coccidiosis: 128 mg – 187 mg sulfamethazine per kg.b.w. in drinking water for 3-5 days followed by 64 -94.5 mg per kg b.w for 4 days.
Turkey For Coccidiosis : 110- mg – 273 mg sulfamethazine per kg.b.w. in drinking water for 2 days followed by 55-136.5 mg per kg b.w for 4 days.
Cattle (calves):
Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex) (Pasteurella spp.), Calf Diphtheria, Necrotic Pododermatitis or Bacterial enteritis : 1st day: 247.5 mg sulfamethazine per Kg of body weight,then 123.8 mg per kg of b.w. daily for 3 days in drinking water.
Sheep (lambs)Bacterial enteritis: 1st day: 247.5 mg sulfamethazine per Kg of body weight, then 123.8 mg per kg of b.w. daily for 3 days in drinking water. Bacterial respiratory infection: 1st day: 255 mg sulfamethazine per Kg of body weight, then 112.5 mg per kg of b.w. daily for 3 days in drinking water.
Prepare Fresh Solutions Daily.
Administrated as sole source of drinking water.
Adequate water should be available during treatment.
Course of treatment should not be exceed 5 days in calves and lambs.
Withdrawal periods: Meat (chicken , turkey, calves and lambs) 10 days
Store below 30º C. Store in dry place.
Protect from light.
Shelf-life after first opening: 3 months
Shelf-life after reconstitution: 1 day.

For Veterinary Use Only 

Manufactured in Jordan