diclazodad 1%
  • product name: diclazodad 1%
  •  Composition: Each 1 ml contains: generic name:

diclazuril 10 mg/g

  • dosage form: solution
  • packaging: 500 ml, 1L

Indications: Diclazodad used in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E.brunetti, E.maxima, E.mitis, E.necatrix, and E.tenella in broiler chickens, turkeys and rabbits. It improves health and feed conversion.
Diclazodad is compatible with all therapeutics and feed additives with no withdrawal time preslaughtering.
Dosage and mode of administration:
Broilers, turkey and rabbit:
50 ml Diclazodad per 200 liters of drinking water for 2-3 days.
Store in a dry place below 30˚C, don’t refrigerate.

For Veterinary Use Only 

Manufactured in Jordan